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Stone Collection: Volume 99 - Item 9
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 99

[ 9.] Charles Alexander, (ed.), Alexander’s Magazine 3 (March 1907): 213-60.

Whole issue of an African American periodical containing articles, poetry, columns, editorials, and advertisements. Mr. Stone has marked several items in this issue, including “The Question of Intermarriage” and “Berea College and Its President.” The following passage from the intermarriage item is heavily underlined. “The Afro-American who says he does not desire for social equality is an unmitigated fool or an outrageous blackguard, who sacrifices what he should know to be a primal right to a subservient purpose.” The article on Berea College, an institution dedicated to educating students from families with low incomes, whether the students were black or white, male or female, relates how the institution was founded by Southern abolitionists from eastern Kentucky and makes this observation about Cassius M. Clay, one of the college’s founders. “It was his pleasant custom to fortify his right of free-speech, when he stood up in a court-house or a church-house, by laying before him a Bible, a copy of the Constitution, a revolver, and a bowie-knife.” Mr. Stone has marked this passage with special emphasis.