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Stone Collection: Volume 85 - Item 35
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 85

35. “The Old and the New South,” International Review (March-April 1876): 209-23.

Assessment of economic and social changes in the South since the Civil War with a vigorous endorsement of the segregationist policies of the New South. “The negro tends resistlessly to a fixed position in his own class. He does not wish to ride in the same railway car with fine lades and gentlemen, nor could you persuade him to send his children to a mixed school to be teased by white scholars. He will not be legislated out of his natural circle where he feels comfortable, into one where he will be ill at ease. He seeks for himself a separate home, school, church, and occupation, in all of which he can at a distance imitate the white. The statute books may be covered with laws having a different tendency, but they will be powerless to check the current of separation. In a domestic world, a company and circle, of his own, the negro will make a start for himself” (emphasis in original).