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Stone Collection: Volume 84 - Item 8
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 84

8. R. T. Greener, “Southern Questions. II. The Emigration of Colored Citizens from the Southern States,” Journal of Social Science, Containing the Transactions of the American Association (May 1880): 22-35.

Paper delivered at a meeting of the American Social Science Association concerning the emigration of African Americans from the South to Northern states and Western territories. The speaker uses a quotation from the St. Louis Memorial to provide an explanation for the exodus. “’The story is about the same, in each instance; great privation and want from excessive rent for land; connected with murder of colored neighbors and friends, and threats of personal violence to themselves; the tenor of which statement is that of suffering and terror.’” Mr. Stone has marked several passages in the section under the heading “Objections to the Exodus,” particularly one citing the higher incidence of mixed ancestry in the South as evidence that Southerners are more friendly toward African Americans than Northerners.