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Stone Collection: Volume 7 - Item 5
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 7

5. D. A. Mohny, The Four Acts of Despotism: Comprising I. The Tax Bill, with All the Amendments. II. The Finance Bill. III. The Conscription Act. IV. The Indemnity Bill. with Introductions and Comments (New York: Van Evrie, Horton & Co., 1863). (160 p.)

Political tract criticizing four pieces of legislation referred to in the title, all of which are deemed unconstitutional. The author ends his introduction with this indictment. “These acts will stand on record as imperishable proofs of despotism and tyranny of the Administration of Abraham Lincoln, and the subserviency of its partisan supporters in these and other acts subversive to the Constitutional Government of the United States.” Advertisements for white supremist material appear on the end papers. An ad for The New-York Weekly Caucasian, a periodical based on “the principles of White Mens’ Liberties, opposition to Negro equality, and in favor of an appeal to peaceful agencies to restore the Union and Constitution,” is on the back cover. Inside the back cover is an advertisement for two anti-abolition tracts, while the second edition of Negroes and Negro “Slavery:” The First an Inferior Race—the Latter Its Normal Condition is advertised inside the front cover.