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Stone Collection: Volume 7 - Item 4
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 7

4. Samuel T. Spear, The Nation’s Blessing in Trial: A Sermon Preached in the South Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, by the Pastor Rev. Samuel T. Spear, D. D. November 27th, 1862 (Brooklyn, NY: Wm. W. Rose, 1862). (39 p.)

Sermon in which the pastor asks the congregation to reflect on five trials to which the United States was being subjected: 1) the political and moral character of the Union cause, 2) preservation of the Union and success thus far in the war, 3) God’s punishment for Union defeats and delays, 4) the prospect that God means to eliminate the institution of slavery from the nation’s political system, and 5) prospects for the future should the Union prevail.