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Stone Collection: Volume 76 - Item 1
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 76

1. Law and Regulations of Berea College (Cincinnati, OH: Elm Street Printing Co., 1873). (12 p.)

Fifty-five laws and regulations for students at Berea College. “The following regulations are designed to promote your efficiency and welfare as students. They have not been hastily or arbitrarily made, but are such as experience, in this and similar schools, has shown to be needful, and adapted to promote your highest interests.” The rules cover topics such as “exercises” (i.e., courses of study), conduct, rooms, etc. As far as conduct is concerned, students can not use tobacco, drink alcohol, or keep firearms in their rooms unless they are seventeen years old or older. Furthermore, “students are prohibited, on pain of expulsion, from visiting those of the other sex at their rooms, or receiving visits from them at their own, except by permission in case of serious illness.”