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Stone Collection: Volume 73 - Item 30
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 73

30. Charles Sumner, The National Security and the National Faith; Guarantees for the National Freedman and the National Creditor. Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, at the Republican State Convention, in Worchester, September 14, 1865 (Boston: Wright & Potter, 1865). (21 p.)

Outline of a program designed to guarantee civil rights for African Americans in the South following emancipation, such as the eradication of “black codes” that had been passed by Southern legislators to reinstitute a form of legalized slavery. The speaker also calls for the enfranchisement of black voters on page 11, a point that Mr. Stone has noted in pencil on the cover. Additional items include forcing the Southern states to do their part in repaying the national debt as a condition for their readmission to the Union, repudiation of the debt incurred by these states through their association with the Confederacy, and the necessity for teaching children in the Southern states how to read and write regardless of their race.