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Stone Collection: Volume 73 - Item 1
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 73

1. M. H. Buckham, The Negro in the United States. An Address Delivered in Tremont Temple, before the American Missionary Association, May 29, 1878 (Boston: Beacon Press, [1878?]). (8 p.)

Address by the president of the University of Vermont concerning the strengths and weaknesses of persons of African descent. The speaker is more optimistic about their intelligence than their moral nature, which, he says, “undoubtedly . . . has suffered from slavery more severely than the intellectual.” Mr. Stone has underlined this sentence regarding the moral capacity of African Americans. “But there is no denying that the American negro bears the marks of bondage, in his indolence, his untruthfulness, his dishonesty, his animalism.” However, Mr. Stone failed to underline the sentence that follows. “But these are all vices of the slaves, not of the men; of the condition, not of the race.” (The collection has other copies of this pamphlet in volumes 25 [no. 19] and 42 [no. 2].)