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Stone Collection: Volume 72 - Item 1
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 72

1. M[oses] Stuart, Conscience and the Constitution with Remarks on the Recent Speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster in the Senate of the United States on the Subject of Slavery (Boston: Crocker & Brewster, 1850). (119 p.)

Lengthy essay by a biblical scholar defending Daniel Webster’s pro-slavery position in regard to the Compromise of 1850 with hundreds of references to biblical texts. Eventually, the author suggests that colonization is the best solution to the problem of slavery. “The last thing I have to say, to ask the question, (which I leave to wiser men than I am to answer), whether it would not be a feasible thing, and the best thing we can do, to colonize the blacks, as we have the Indians? Let them have a territory and a government of their own, we being merely reserving the ultimate control of important measures, until they attain a state in which they will be competent to take care of themselves.”