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Stone Collection: Volume 65 - Item 5
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 65

5. Memorial of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the American Colonization Society, Celebrated at Washington, January 15, 1867, with Documents Concerning Liberia (Boston: Cornhill Press for the Colonization Society, 1867). (192 p.)

Reports and speeches regarding the first fifty years of the Society’s efforts to colonize free men and women of color in Liberia. An appendix includes the Liberian declaration of independence and constitution as well as speeches by two former presidents of the colony. There is also a table with data on every vessel taking colonists to Liberia from 1820 through 1866 broken out by states the colonists came from. Colonists from Mississippi accounted for 551 of the total of 11,909 colonists resettled during that period. Another table breaks out the annual receipts for the Society from 1817 through 1866, totaling $2,141,507.77. A list of the original members of the Society appears on the last page.