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Stone Collection: Volume 64 - Item 24
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 64

24. J[oseph?] P[arish?] Thompson, Peace through Victory: A Thanksgiving Sermon, Preached in Broadway Tabernacle Church, New York, on Sabbath, September 11, 1864, Loyal Publication Society, no. 60 (New York: Loyal Publication Society, 1864). (16 p.)

Sermon giving thanks for the recent capture of Atlanta and Mobile Bay by federal forces. The preacher states that the war is about two issues, preservation of the Union and the abolishment of slavery. He argues that slavery must be destroyed for military and political as well as moral reasons. “We undermine the rebellion by sapping Slavery. And our future peace as a nation demands the removal of that system of injustice and outrage which was the spring and motive of the rebellion, and which, in vindication of the divine justice, has drawn upon us the awful scourge of war.”