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Stone Collection: Volume 62 - Item 3
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 62

3. John H. B. Latrobe, Memoir of Benjamin Banneker, Read before the Maryland Historical Society, at the Monthly Meeting, May 1, 1845 (Baltimore, MD: John D. Toy, 1845). (16 p.)

Biographical sketch of a free man of color residing in Maryland who published almanacs for Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia from 1791 to 1802. Correspondence between Mr. Latrobe and Thomas Jefferson regarding the almanacs is included. Mr. Stone has noted this sentence with a question mark. “His [Latrobe’s] father was a native African, and his mother the child of natives of Africa; so that to no admixture of the blood of the white man was he indebted for his peculiar and extraordinary abilities” (Mr. Stone’s emphasis).