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Stone Collection: Volume 60 - Item 26
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 60

26. Frederick Douglass, Address by Hon. Frederick Douglass, Delivered in the Metropolitan A. M. E. Church, Washington, D. C. Tuesday, January 9th, 1894, on the Lessons of the Hour, in which He Discusses the Various Aspects of the So-Called, But Mis-Called, Negro Problem (Baltimore, MD: Thomas & Evans, 1894). (36 p.)

Speech in which Mr. Douglass chastises the white Southerners for violence directed against African Americans, especially lynching. He also argues that colonization is not a viable solution to the “race problem,” which he says in a misnomer. “The marvel is that this old trick of misnaming things, so often played by Southern politicians, should have worked so well for the bad cause in which it is now employed,--for the Northern people have fallen in with it. It is still more surprising that the colored press of the country, and some of the colored orators of the country, insist upon calling it a ‘negro problem,’ or a Race problem, for by it they mean the negro Race. Now—there is nothing the matter with the negro. He is all right. Learned or ignorant, he is all right. He is neither a Lyncher, a Mobocrat, or an Anarchist. He is now, what he has ever been, a loyal, law-abiding, hard-working, and peaceable man; so much so, that men have thought him cowardly and spiritless.”