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Stone Collection: Volume 57 - Item 13
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 57

13. [H. J. Love?], Slavery in Its relation to God. A Review of Rev. Dr. Lord’s Thanksgiving Sermon, in Favor of Domestic Slavery, Entitled the Higher Law, in Its Application to the Fugitive Slave Bill (Buffalo, NY: A. M. Clapp & Co., 1851). (56 p.)

Disputation of a sermon in which the preacher defends slavery using biblical texts. “Slavery, according to our author[Dr. Lord], is an institution of God, and sanctioned by Jesus Christ, and his Apostles; and therefore Congress has the divine right, to pass laws to protect it, and to command us by grave penalties to obey those laws; and for us to appeal to the law of God, in protestation of our rights, civil and religious, is, to contravene the revealed will of God himself, ‘to reject his authority,’ and to take the position of infidelity. We hesitate not to say, that Dr. Lord in taking such ground for the defence of slavery, has done a greater wrong to the cause of truth, of God, and of humanity, than was ever perpetrated by any kidnapper on the coast of Africa, burning villages, butchering the defenceless [sic] and fleeing inhabitants, and freighting his dark slave-ship with captives to be murdered on the passage, or sold into a bondage a thousand times more terrible than death itself.” (The name H. J. Love is written in pencil under the author’s name, Minister of the Gospel, on the title page.)