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Stone Collection: Volume 44 - Item 13
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 44

13. N. Murray, The Decline of Popery and Its Causes. An Address Delivered in the Broadway Tabernacle, on Wednesday Evening, January 15, 1851 (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851). (32 p.)

Denunciation of the Roman Catholic Church by a protestant minister. The speaker concludes with these words. “While popery may be compared to a decrepit, nervous, and wrinkled old man, whose hearing is obtuse, and whose memory is short, and who, heedless and forgetful of the events passing around him, is always prattling about the past, Protestantism is strong, and active, and zealous, and enterprising, and attractive, and looking to the future. The mind of the world is with it. Reason is with it. The literature of the world is with it. The Bible is with it. God is with it. The entire current of civilization is with it. And all these are against popery. The combat may be protracted, but the victory is certain. Nor, in the conflict, will the cause of popery be much aided by the support, nor will the cause of Protestantism be any weakened, by the assaults of those whose chief aim and grand ambition is to wear a fillet made from the wool of holy sheep.”