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Stone Collection: Volume 32 - Item 1
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 32

1. James B. Waller, The True Doctrine of State [sic] Rights with an Examination of the Record of the Democratic and Republican Parties in Connection with Slavery (Chicago: James & Morse, 1880). (83 p.)

History of the constitutional basis for states rights. Mr. Stone has marked passages related to the civil rights of African Americans in the constitutions for Massachusetts and Illinois. He has also noted a paragraph dealing with constitutional articles restricting the slave trade in Virginia and South Carolina in the 1760s. According to the Mr. Waller, just prior to the Revolution the Earl of Dartmouth noted that “We [presumably, the British authorities] cannot allow the colonies to check or discourage a traffic [in slaves] so beneficial to the nation.” Mr. Stone also notes the passage of the Northwest Ordinance in 1787, which prohibited slavery in the territory that subsequently became five states.