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Stone Collection: Volume 31 - Item 5
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 31

5. Charles B. Waite, “The 16th Amendment—Senator Ingalls in “The Forum,” Chicago Law Times (January 1888): 25-40.

Summary of Senator Ingall’s position in regard to women’s suffrage, listing both the arguments for and the arguments against the amendment. Apparently, the Senator has tried to straddle the fence on this issue, which leads the writer to admonish him at the end of the piece. “Since writing this article, the Senator, apparently alarmed at his own boldness, and not entirely certain of being able to carry forward to the successful issue the campaign so vigorously opened, has been making some concessions, and with an adroitness known only to political statesmen, has been getting partly upon the other side. He not only concedes the entire equality of women, morally and intellectually, and the capability of most women to exercise the suffrage for the good of country, but, if we are correctly informed, he concedes that it is a righteous reform, and that its success is only a matter of time. The women, however, cannot clearly see how such concessions are consistent with his previous declarations; and they insist that nothing less than complete conversion and active co-operation can atone for the political heresies which he ahs been spreading broadcast throughout the land.”