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Stone Collection: Volume 28 - Item 3
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 28

3. Emancipation and Its Results. Papers from the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, no. 6 (N.p., n.d.). (32 p.)

Essay hostile to emancipation. The author argues that the abolition of slavery increases “crime, pauperism, and vice.” As far as emancipation in the British West Indies is concerned, “it has ruined production, destroyed commerce, and where the negro is fast relapsing into his original African savagism.” Lastly, the author claims that “the effect of Free Negroism upon commerce, wealth, and business of the world, and especially upon the white laboring and producing classes, in producing a scarcity of tropical productions, and a consequent increase of price, thus allowing Negro Idleness to tax WHITE LABOR” (emphasis in original). (The collection has another copy of this essay in volume 58 [no. 2].)