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Stone Collection: Volume 24 - Item 1
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 24

1. Walter L. Fleming, “Immigration to the Southern States,” Political Science Quarterly 20 (No. 2, 1905): 276-97; reprint.

Study of the recent increase in the number of European immigrants settling in the South, despite the region’s history of xenophobia. The author argues that this trend is important because “The Negro cannot furnish either in quality or in quantity the labor necessary to develop the South.” He concludes, “Compared with the great volume of immigration to the West and North, the numbers that go South are insufficient; but compared with the numbers that went South ten years and more ago, the recent movement is very important. There is plenty of vacant land; and the southerners say that is a million settlers have come and are satisfied, there is no reason why other millions may not come.”