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Stone Collection: Volume 17 - Item 1
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 17

1. John J. Vertrees, The Negro Problem: Its Solution (Nashville, TN: Marshall & Bruce Co., 1905). (29 p.)

White supremacist essay using an argument that is identical to one proffered by Mr. Stone in his article on “race friction.” To whit, “The reflecting persons of both races concede, and with deep concern observe, that racial antipathy has increased in direct ratio to the so-called progress of the negro race, and that the tension is now almost to the breaking point. If this increasing antipathy is due to the instinct of one race to guard and preserve its purity, and to the desire on the part of the other race to hide from itself, to blend, and to bleach, and if it is also true that this desire is intensified and enfevered by progress and education, the ‘unparalleled sociological responsibility’ is really not difficult to understand.” (The collection also has an earlier version of this essay that appeared as an article in The Olympian in 1903 [see volume 1, no. 27].)