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Stone Collection: Volume 16 - Item 20
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 16

20. Edward Wilmot Blyden, Philip and the Eunuch; Or, the Instruments and Methods of Africa’s Evangelization. A Discourse Delivered in the Park Street Church, Boston, U.S.A., Sunday, October 22, 1882 (Cambridge, MA: John Wilson & Son, 1883). (30 p.)

Sermon using Acts 8:26-39 as its text, a text in which a eunuch asks Philip, “What doth hinder me to be baptized?” Philip replies, “If thou believest with all they heart, thou mayest.” Dr. Blyden, who was President of Liberia College at the time he gave this sermon, uses Philip’s response and subsequent baptism of the eunuch as a metaphor for the evangelization of all peoples in Africa.