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Stone Collection: Volume 16 - Item 16
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 16

16. Francis J. Grimke, Some Lessons from the Assassination of President William McKinley (N.p., [1901?]). (15 p.)

Sermon in which the preacher criticizes white Americans for hypocrisy in denouncing the anarchist who assassinated President McKinley’s while, at the same time, tolerating violence against African Americans in the South. “Because of the untimely death of the President by the hand of violence, the decree has gone forth pronouncing the doom of anarchy in this country. What about the untimely death by the hand of violence of the hundreds and thousands of Negroes who have been shot down in the South? Shall the spirit of anarchy, which basely murdered the President, be driven out and the spirit of the mob, which shoots to death black American citizens, be allowed to remain?”