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Stone Collection: Volume 14 - Item 14
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 14

14. Frederick Smyth, Message of His Excellency Frederick Smyth, Governor of the State of New Hampshire, to the Two Branches of the Legislature, June Session, 1865 (Concord, NH: Amos Hadley, 1865). (30 p.)

State of the state address to the legislature with specific reference to the issue of black suffrage on page 27, which Mr. Stone has noted in pencil on the cover. Mr. Stone has written “contrast Gov. Andrews” in the margin next to this passage. “In our sorrow even let us take courage and make the brutal assassination of our noble president—the most wicked fruit if a barbarous system—confirm us in the resolution to make universal freedom and synonym for universal suffrage, under such safeguards as wise legislation may provide. All must agree that the states which have been in rebellion should not hereafter be controlled by rebels and traitors, and as we do not propose to admit again into the union the cause of all this evil, so let us extend to the loyal citizen of whatever color, those rights justly earned by patience, devotion, and firm unwavering faithfulness to the common cause” (Mr. Stone’s emphasis.) (The collection has another copy of this address in volume 19 [no. 12].)