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Stone Collection: Volume 13 - Item 1
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 13

1. Negro Almanac and Statistics, North Carolina edition [cover missing]. (99 p.)

Almanac developed especially for African Americans with calendars, illustrations, and items gleaned from newspapers divided into six sections: educational; religious; music, art literature; military; business, financial; and political. The last twenty pages of the almanac offer a copy of the North Carolina Constitution. The reason for its being included is explained in the introduction. “For the North Carolina edition the amended Constitution is inserted so that those who cannot read it may learn to do so, and those who think they can read it may ‘brush up’ on it, and thus all prepare themselves for voting. It is suggested that the hard words in the Constitution be written out and drilled on daily until they can be spelled and defined with ease. If reading and writing the Constitution is made the test of having a voice in choosing who shall administer the laws the race must obey, then let it be equal to the emergency by learning to read and write the Constitution.”