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Stone Collection: Volume 12 - Item 6
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 12

6. Los Ñañigos. Su Historia, sus Practicas, su Lenguage. Copn el Facsimile de los Sellos que Usa Cada Uno de los Juegos o Agrupaciones (Habana: Imprenta de “La Correspondencia de Cuba,” 1882). (24 p.)

“One of the earliest historical documents about the Abakuá secret societies.” (Sarah M. Sanchez, “Afro-Cuban Diasporan Religions: A Comparative Analysis of the Literature and Selected Annotated Bibliography [August 2000], p. 67.) The text is in Spanish. (The Abakuá is a secret fraternal society that emerged in Cuba during the 1830s. According to Robert Farris Thompson in Flash of the Spirit [New York: Vintage, 1984], the society was initiated by slaves brought to Cuba from the Calabar region of West Africa [Nigeria today].)