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Stone Collection: Volume 111 - Item 23
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 111

23. John F. W. Ware, The Danger of To-Day: A Sermon Preached in the First Independent Church, February 5, 1865 (Baltimore, MD: Cushings & Bailey, 1865). (16 p.)

Sermon regarding two classifications of people—benefactors and malefactors (i.e., people who do good and people who do bad). Toward the end of the sermon the preacher classifies the slave as a malefactor whose freedom has created disastrous consequences for society. “The edict of the State has set free the slave. The slave is a dangerous element, as a slave, before, is a more dangerous element as a free man now. Why? He is without the wonted restraint. He is ignorant, he may become vagabond, and then vicious, and then—why, danger—new laws, new jails, new police, the cumbersome, costly, superficial, tardy uncertain cure” (emphasis in original). However, Mr. Ware notes, education may counter his dire prediction. “Neglect this [education] now, this golden opportunity, this moment of imperative duty; yield to part, to passion, to prejudice, to old time feeling; shut your eye to God’s demand of you as a man, as a patriot, as a citizen, as a christian [sic], and the curse will come—no man, not God can prevent it. The horde of ignorant, unrestrained men, women and children, will be upon you. Your city will be the charnel house of vagabondism and vice and crime” (emphasis in original)