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Stone Collection: Volume 10 - Item 16
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 10

16. Anti-Abolition Tracts.—No. 1. Abolition and Secession; or, Cause and Effect, together with the Remedy for Our Sectional Troubles (New York: Van Evrie, Horton & Co., 1864). (32 p.)

Tract arguing 1) that persons of African descent are “a different and subordinate species of mankind,” 2) that “political anti-slaveryism” was the cause of secession, and 3) that “’crushing out’ political anti-slaveryism, or the removal of the cause, is the only natural or possible cure for secession” (italics in original). Mr. Stone has marked the following passage. “They [the Republican Party] suppose the negro to be a black-white man and they propose to use the government to realize their idea, or transform their theory into fact” (italics in original).