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Stone Collection: Volume 101 - Item 1
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Alfred H. Stone Collection
Volume: 101

1. The Twenty-Fourth Annual Report of the American Colonization Society, with the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, and of the Board of Directors, at Washington City, January, 1841 (Washington, DC: Joseph Etter, 1841). (32 p.)

Report on the state of affairs (e.g., crops, schools, health of the colonists, etc.) in Liberia followed by the proceedings of the annual meeting. The Society’s constitution appears inside the front cover. A schedule of financial rewards for Liberian colonists who cultivate the best acre of Indian corn, the best acre of potatoes, the best acre of cassada [also cassava, a tropical plant with a large, tuberous root than can be used as a staple food], etc. is printed inside the back cover.