As of 08/08/2006

15th Mississippi (Infantry)
(Previously identified as RG 9, v. 8)

Description Box #
Consolidated morning reports for June 27, 28, and 30, 1861;
Consolidated morning reports for July 1-10, 12-15, 17-31 and two undated (possibly 11 and 16), 1861;
Return (monthly report), July 1861;
Consolidated morning reports for August 3-11, 13-17, 1861;
Report of the strength and condition of the 15th Regiment, August 8, 1861.
Muster roll, with attached list of field and company officers, July 29, 1861. 11930
Morning reports for June 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 26, and four undated, 1861;
Final statements of the 15th Regiment, ca. October-December, 1864;
Election return recording election of Edward C. Walthall to rank of Lieutenant Colonel, July 31, 1861.
Report recording the number of guns in the regiment, June 12, 1861;
List of the field, staff and company officers of the 15th Regiment, Mississippi Volunteers, March-June, 1861.
Company A (Long Creek Rifles of Attala County):
   Muster rolls, April 27 (2 copies) and May 27, 1861;
   Roll of officers and members of company, April 27, 1861.
   Election returns, May 3 and September 20, 1861. 280
Company B (Winona Stars of Carroll County):
   Muster rolls, March 22, 1861 (3 copies, one has additional muster roll attached);
   Muster roll, May 27, 1861.
Company C (Quitman Rifles of Holmes County):
   Muster rolls, April 20 (2 copies) and May 27, 1861.
   Muster roll for the Quitman Rifles, Holmes County, April 20, 1861;
   List of officers and soldiers in Quitman Rifles, ca. April 20, 1861;
   Certificate verifying that William Collins was elected Captain of the Quitman Rifles (Company C) on July 3, 1861;
   Letter, William Collins to General Brown, reporting his election as Captain, August 7, 1861.
Company D (Wigfall Rifles of Choctaw County):
   Muster rolls, April 20 (3 copies)and May 26, 1861, and undated.
   Letters certifying election of officers, October 7 and 15, 1861;
   Letters requesting forwarding of commissions for Lieut. Cochran, Dunn, and Medley, October 16, 1861.
Company E (McClung Rifles of Carroll County):
   Untitled roster, undated;
   Payroll authorization certificates for members of the McClung Rifles, May 27-28, 1861;
   Muster roll, Captain M. Farrell, June 8, 1861;
   Muster roll, Captain Edgar Sykes, April 20, 1861;
   Roster of men mustered into service by Captain Liddell of the Carroll County Rifles, April 20, 1861.
   Roster of men mustered into service by Captain Liddell of the Carroll County Rifles, April 20, 1861 (similar roster in Box #00281);
   MDAH veterans' survey form of James R. Wood, undated.
Company F (Water Valley Rifle Guards of Yalobusha County):
   Muster rolls, April 23, 1861 (2 copies).
   Muster roll, undated;
   Strength and condition of the Water Valley Rifle Guards, undated.
   Letter, Captain Francis M. Green to General W. Brown, with a list of the officers and privates in the Water Valley Rifle Guards, April 25, 1861;
   Pencil copy of unit history for Water Valley Rifles, with roster and list of engagements, undated;
   MDAH veterans' survey form of Louis Perry Carr, undated;
   Unit election certificates verifying that R.A. Bankhead was elected Captain, August 9, 1861 and that T. Markett was elected 2nd Lieutenant, August 9, 1861;
   Letter, Captain Bankhead to Adj. General W.H. Brown, requesting that his commission as Captain be sent following his election, August 12, 1861.
Company G (Grenada Rifles of Yalobusha County):
   Muster rolls, April 9 and 19, and May 27, 1861.
   List of the officers and number of privates of the Grenada Rifles, undated;
   MDAH veterans' survey forms for Robert Dudley, January 14, 1909;
   Certifications for William E. Bew's election to 2nd Lieutenant, March 20, 1862 and John I. Gage to Captain, July 6, 1861;
   Gage's request to the Secretary of War for his commission following the election, August 4, 1861 and William E. Bew's request to have his commission forwarded, undated;
   "Additional Muster Roll of the Grenada Rifles" (fragment), May 15, 1861.
Company H (Yalobusha Rifles of Yalobusha County):
   Muster rolls, April 27 (2 copies) and May 27, 1861, and undated.
   List showing the strength of the Yalobusha Rifles sent to General W.H. Brown by Captain F.M. Aldridge, May 23, 1861;
   List of Company H, 15th Regiment (Infantry), CSA (typescript), undated;
   Certificate verifying Whitfield Morton's election as 1st Lieutenant of Co. H, August 5, 1861;
   Letter to Gen. W. H. Brown from Whitfield Morton requesting his commission, August 12, 1861.
   "Additional Muster Roll," May 17, 1861;
   Muster roll (fragmentary), April 27, 1861.
Company I (Choctaw Guards of Choctaw County):
   Muster roll, May 29, 1861.
   MDAH veterans' survey form of James C. Baskin, undated. 280
Company K (Oktibbeha Plough Boys of Oktibbeha County):
   Muster rolls, April 20 (2 copies) and June 11, 1861 (2 copies);
   Roster of commissioned officers and men, recording name age, height, birthplace, occupation, and post office address, undated.
   Certificate signed by 1st Lieutenant Neville Edmonds stating that the Oktibbeha Ploughboys have been mustered into service on April 20, 1861. 280
Company K (Choctaw Greys of Choctaw County):
   Muster roll, May 4, 1861.
